Tag Archives: microwaved egg

Fancy Breakfast Friday: Pity Breakfast


It’s great that I have been slacking here on MetaMegan, and that I have a backlog of stuff to write about because I haven’t been cooking at all.  It takes forever to get an appointment at CU Center for Sports Medicine, so I don’t really have a diagnosis, but let’s just say I can’t really walk or stand.  That cuts into my cooking, and pretty much everything else in life.  I am powering through some books and TV though.

Sweet Baby Jack offered to make me breakfast in bed last Friday.  On Thursday night he promised me an omelette, which I found interesting and worrisome as he has never cooked an omelette, but he assured me he could find out how to do it by watching YouTube.  Fast forward to 10:30 on Friday morning when I texted Dave from my bed to say, “Please tell Jack I usually would have eaten two breakfasts by now.”

Jack ran in to ask if I wanted toast and I said yes.  Then he said, “Remind me how long to microwave an egg?” And I said, “I thought you were making an omelette?” And he said, “That’s too hard.” And I said, “I thought you were going to watch a video on youtube?” and he said, “Nope.” Then he ran out and came back a couple minutes later with a delightful silver tray, cloth napkin, salt and pepper shakers and a microwaved egg on dry toast.  It was delicious, obviously.