Tag Archives: led zeppelin

Fancy Breakfast Friday: Granola Biscotti


Well, I made granola biscotti last Friday for breakfast from the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook and it was delicious.  I served it with some yogurt and an egg, and maybe some bacon, who can remember at this point?  The point is, I didn’t take any pictures.  I went to Loveland last Friday, to snowboard with some friends so I couldn’t wait around for the perfect light to photograph some biscotti that was delicious but not particularly photogenic.

When I got home I was tired, and because of my never-ending cold, I couldn’t hear out of either ear.  But the hard part about working part time is that when you do fun stuff during the week when your family is at work or school, you can’t say, “OH, I’m too tired” on the weekend when your family wants to do fun stuff.  I mean, you can say it, but the guilt will make you say it really quietly to yourself.

Long story short, I found the strength to go with Dave and Jack to a Led Zeppelin cover band on Friday night and I took this cute pic of Jack and his friend showing that they were under age. It was fun!